
Turf Maintenance Calendar

August 2, 2023


Test* for pH and add lime if needed. *Bring in 1/2 cup air dried soil from 3″ down.

If soil conditions are right you can aerate.

Early seed application may be made. Using a starter fertilizer will ensure a good start.


April is a great time to aerate.

Pre-emergence herbicides may be applied to prevent crabgrass. This should be done during the time that the Forsythia is in bloom.

Mowing should begin.

Late April thru May is time for biological control of grubs with “Milky Spore”.


Continue routine mowing.

Make sure mower blades are sharp. Mid to late May is the time for the first fertilization of the season.

A weed and feed product can be used if desired and seeding has not been done recently. On lawns with a history of fungus troubles, fungicide application can be made now.

**Mid-May thru mid-June is the time to apply “Season-Long” Grub Control.


Continue mowing.

Irrigation may be needed if conditions are dry.

Long, slow, deep watering is best. An inch of water once a week is better than less more frequently.


Continue mowing at higher cut.

Watch for fungus problems. Quick treatment now can prevent serious problems.

**Have soil tests done now to determine lime and fertilizer needs for fall.


Gradually begin reducing height of cut. Early this month is the time for many important tasks. Aeration and/or dethatching should be done now.

Follow up with lime as needed and fertilizer.

Seed applied now will germinate evenly and will be well established before winter. Use good quality seed. If organic grub control is desired, apply “Milky Spore” or Beneficial Nematodes. Otherwise, Dylox can be used.


Continue mowing. If you did not get everything done in September, there is still time to do it.

Seed should be on by the second week in October to ensure that plants will be established.

If rainfall has been short, be sure to water. Again, long, slow, deep watering is best. Try to keep falling leaves off newly seeded areas. The end of October is time for the final application of fertilizer.


There are several important jobs to get done. Continue mowing as long as grass continues to grow.

Keep the lawn clear of leaves and debris. Liming can also still be done.

**If you’re unsure of anything going on, cut 12″ x 12″ sample of sod and bring it in. We’ll take a look.