
we can assist you

Garden Coaching

solutions for your

Garden Challenges

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Have you ever wanted to learn more about the plants in your garden and surrounding landscape?… Did you try a DIY project from a social media site or television show and it just didn’t work out? … Do you look at photos online and in magazines and ask yourself “Why doesn’t my garden look like that?” or “How can my garden look like that?” … Well, if you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, then our garden coaching service is for you!

Our Garden Coach, Tom Horn is here to help you with your garden questions and challenges every step of the way!  The garden coaching process starts with an on-site consultation, where our garden coach will meet with you at your property in order to discuss your goals for the garden you wish to establish and/or maintain.  During this initial visit, our garden coach will help you identify any existing plants you may have on the property, offer maintenance and care recommendations, and also give you recommendations for new plantings based on the goals and location of the garden in question.  

Our garden coach has years of experience, and is willing to share as much as possible with you during this one-hour garden coaching visit.  The best part about garden coaching is that you can set your own pace…whether you schedule a garden coaching appointment once a month, once a season, or twice a year…the choice is yours, it all really depends on what your goals are for your garden/landscape and how much you plan to get out of it.  Either way, we are here to help you through your garden journey, however long or short that may be!



make the most of your time

All the Details

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The cost is $85 an hour for a Garden Coach visit and is limited to within a 10-mile radius of Primex Garden Center (435 w. Glenside Ave 19038).  In order to schedule an appointment, please use the scheduler below.  If you have any other questions about garden coaching, please email tomhorn@primexgardencenter.com

get a plan for your yard

Schedule a Coaching Session

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Simply select a date, fill out the form, pay online, and please be sure to click ‘Schedule Event’ to confirm your appointment.

If you have any questions, please email tomhorn@primexgardencenter.com.