
Saintpaulia hybrids

African Violet

African violets are excellent plants to grow on a windowsill that receives light filtered through the leaves of outdoor trees. They can be damaged by overwatering, chilling or placement in harsh sun. African violets bloom again and again when given reasonable care. Do pinch off old flower stems to keep the plant looking neat.


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Bright indirect light or fluorescent light.


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Let the top 1″to 2″ of soil dry out before watering. Avoid using water that has a softener,containing chlorine or fluoride. Water from the bottom to prevent water getting on the leaves. Always remove any excess water that is still in the saucer after 15 minutes.


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There are many designated for African Violets. Use any recommended strength. Fertilize monthly fertilizers balanced, soluble, houseplant food at 1⁄2 the when the plant is actively growing. Over-fertilizing causes leaf tip burn, produce poor flowers and can kill the plant.


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  • African Violets do well in temperatures 75–80° during the day and 10° cooler at night. Keep the plant away from cold drafts and heating vents.
  • High humidity is preferable, but are easily adaptable to basic household humidity.